Catching ’Skies With Consistency

Chances are very good that during the coming seminar and sport show season my response to a simple question is going to disappoint the person asking it. I’ll be asked the same question at least once a week and I’ll give the same answer. It will be an honest answer, but it won’t be what they were looking for.Continue Reading

Find Baitfish, Find Muskies

When it comes to rock bars, this one has it all — boulders, a gradual slope before a sudden drop-off to a main lake basin, and located on an island that already is a must-fish spot. This rock bar is a veritable “spot on the spot.”
Yet I had never caught a musky there. Musky Hunter’sEditor, Jim Saric , laughed at me once when I told him about my lack of success there, and proceeded to tell me about all the big muskies that he had caught from the rock bar. Of course, that only increased my frustration. Continue Reading

Bucktails for Muskies

There’s little question why bucktails are the most popular style of musky lure. Bucktails can be fished fast or slow, in clear water or dark, shallow or deep, from season’s start to end. Their spinning blade and wiggling tail seem to hold a special fascination for muskies, and when the moment of truth comes and a musky strikes, they hook up with the efficiency of their being little more than a piece of wire and a hook. Continue Reading

Analysis of a Musky Hunt

When everything you think you know about musky fishing tells you muskies should be there and they aren’t, well, you start to wonder just what the fish are waiting for. And that’s exactly the dilemma I was facing last August.
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MUSKIES: An Early Season Formula For Success

Eight muskies in a day, a couple of times. Certainly several sevens. And lots of 6- and 5-fish days. A check of my fishing records for the past few years reveals a striking pattern of multiple musky days early in the season, so much so that I can say with full conviction that if you want to catch a musky, spring is the time to do it. Continue Reading

Go With The Glow

If there’s one thing I don’t like, it’s being outfished. My ego isn’t big enough that I have to outfish others, but it dictates that my effort must at least be respectable. And the results from my boat were anything but that. Continue Reading

A Foundation for Success: The Concept of Garages

Fifty-two inches is a lot of musky, and by the time the last bit of its tail paddled off into the gloom, my boat had drifted to the structure from which the fish had roared out. Kevin Schmidt and I paused in the middle of our celebratory high-fives to peer over the side and gawk at the arrangement of boulders. Continue Reading

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